• speech

    Activity Suggestions

    Self-talk Talk about what you are doing, seeing, eating, touching, or thinking when your child is present. Narrate your actions - for example, “I’m washing the dishes. Now, I’m drying them. All done.”

    Parallel talk Talk about what your child is doing, seeing, eating, or touching. Narrate what he is doing - for example, “Johnny’s building a tower. Wow, That’s a big tower!”

    Follow the child’s lead in conversation Talk about what your child wants to talk about. If your child is touching the dolls hair, talk about the hair; if she is looking at the dog, talk about the dog. Acknowledge the child’s words, phrases, and actions by saying something or doing something. Model or copy his actions, and then repeat and restate what he says. Be responsive to what he does or says, even if it’s not a real word.

    Question a little, not a lot Don’t overwhelm your child with too many questions. Remember to balance questions with comments. As a rule of thumb, saying three comments before asking one question works well. 

    Pause in anticipation Wait three to five seconds to give your child a chance to respond to what you have asked or said. Show that you are waiting expectantly by raising your eyebrows, smiling, and opening your mouth.