


    What is School Based Physical Therapy (PT)?

    School based physical therapy assist a student to achieve educational goals developed by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team.  Physical therapists provide appropriate modifications and strategies in order to promote a positive learning experience, ensure full access to the educational environment and address post-secondary transition goals.  PT’s also provide classroom movement breaks, individual exercise programs, and calming strategies.  They teach the movement skills needed to participate in school activities and safely negotiate the school environment. Strategies such as land based exercises, yoga, aquatic therapy, dance, reciprocal play skills are used to work on improving strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, coordination, gross motor development, motor planning skills, directional concepts, body and spatial awareness. Services are delivered as individual sessions or in small group sessions as per each student's IEP.

    Please reach out to your child's Physical Therapist for student specific concerns.